A Guide to Evading Workplace Quicksands
Welcome to the not-so-exclusive club of Spectacularly Unsuccessful People! Have you ever watched those epic fail videos and thought, “Wow, that’s got to hurt”? Buckle up because we’re diving into the business world’s equivalent. It’s like watching someone try to make a smoothie without putting the lid on the blender – messy, unnecessary, and you know someone will have to clean up that disaster.
Let’s be clear: we’re not talking about your everyday “oops, I forgot to attach the file” kind of blunders. We’re venturing into the “I just turned a multinational corporation into a yard sale” territory. These are the kinds of mistakes that make popcorn-worthy stories at business seminars and cautionary tales in MBA classes.
Remember that kid in school who always thought they were right? Imagine them growing up, wearing suits, and running a billion-dollar company. It’s like giving a toddler the keys to a Ferrari – sure, it’s cute for a second, but it’s only a matter of time before things go sideways. And boy, do they go sideways.
We’re looking at the kind of folks who could sink the unsinkable, misplace the Eiffel Tower, or sell sand in the Sahara. These CEOs are the ones who make the news for all the wrong reasons, like a chef who’s great at cooking up a storm but somehow always burns the kitchen down.
So, grab your favourite snack, and let’s embark on this journey through the Hall of Fame for Business facepalms. We promise it’ll be more enlightening than a Netflix binge and funnier than your last team-building exercise.
Habit #1: The ‘King of the Jungle’ Syndrome

Ah, Habit #1. Here, we find the CEO who struts around like they own the savannah, a regular Mufasa of the corporate world. But unlike our beloved Lion King, these leaders often mistake their boardroom for a jungle where their roar is law. It’s like watching someone try to play chess but only move the king because he’s the king, right? And we all know how that game ends.
Imagine this: a CEO walks into a meeting, full of bravado, convinced they can turn water into wine, or at least turn the quarterly report into something less disastrous. They’ve got this unshakeable belief that they, and only they, hold the magic key to success. It’s like watching a magician who only knows one trick and keeps using it at every show, even though the audience caught on to the gimmick ages ago.
Remember that person who always dominated group projects in school, deciding every detail, including the font on the PowerPoint? Now, give them an entire company to run. They’re like a dog chasing cars – they wouldn’t know what to do if they caught one, but that won’t stop them from barking orders.
In the real world, we’ve seen this play out more times than we’d like to admit. Take, for instance, the CEO who thought launching a new product in a completely unrelated market would be a surefire win. It’s like a sushi chef deciding to make pizza – just because they’re both round doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. The result? A confused market, a baffled team, and a product that sticks out like a pineapple on a pizza at a sushi bar.
These CEOs often remind us of contestants on talent shows who insist on singing despite all evidence pointing towards a career in anything but singing. They have the confidence of a peacock but, sadly, not the voice to match. The boardroom becomes their stage, the employees their captive audience, and every decision a grand performance, often ending in a Simon Cowell-esque reality check.
So, if you ever find yourself following a leader more focused on flexing in the corporate mirror than on the road ahead, remember – even Mufasa had his blind spots. Just make sure you’re not in the path of the stampede when reality hits.
Habit #2: ‘I Am the Company’ Illusion

Welcome to Habit #2, where CEOs are so intertwined with their companies that they might as well change their middle names to the company’s ticker symbol. It’s like watching someone wear a Halloween costume all year round because they got so many compliments on it once. Yes, Steve, we know you looked great as Superman, but it’s February, and it’s time to take off the cape.
Imagine a CEO who believes they are the beating heart and soul of the company. They’re like that friend who thinks the group can’t have fun without them. “What do you mean you went karaoke without me? I AM the karaoke!” Similarly, these CEOs can’t differentiate between where they end and where the company begins. It’s as if your whole identity was tied up in being a fan of a sports team. You love your team, but you don’t headbut people in the office every time there’s a touchdown.
It’s a bit like seeing someone trying to fit into their high school jeans – it might have been a perfect fit once, but things change, and sometimes it’s better to accept that and move on. These CEOs stick to the company like superglue, leaving no room for fresh ideas or, heaven forbid, a suggestion that they might be wrong. It’s like the captain of a sinking ship refusing to let anyone else touch the wheel, even as the crew is frantically pointing at the gaping hole in the hull.
In the corporate world, we’ve seen this with CEOs who refuse to delegate, insisting on approving everything from the annual budget to the brand of coffee in the break room. Remember that boss who micromanaged everything? The one who needed to oversee the office supplies order? “No, Jim, we can’t switch to blue pens; we’re a black pen company!”
This habit can lead to some spectacular disasters. Think of the CEO who decided to expand into a market they knew nothing about because they fancied a change of scenery. It’s akin to a baker performing heart surgery because they’re good at decorating cakes. Sure, they both require a steady hand, but I wouldn’t want the guy who frosts cupcakes to crack open my chest; thank you very much.
So, if you’re working under a ‘I Am the Company’ type, buckle up. You’re in for a ride with the GPS set to “Their Way or the Highway.” Just keep a map handy because sometimes the scenic route is the better choice, especially if it avoids the ego-trip highway.
Habit #3: The Know-It-All Parade

Here we enter the realm of the CEO who thinks they’re the human embodiment of Google – ask them anything, and they have an answer, often before you finish asking. They’re like that one friend at trivia night who shouts the answers with supreme confidence, only to realise they’ve confused “The Great Gatsby” with “The Big Bang Theory.”
Think of a CEO who treats every meeting like a game show they’re determined to win. “I’ll take ‘Decisions I Should Consult Others On’ for $500, Alex!” Except in this version, everyone else’s buzzer is mysteriously broken. They’re like a walking, talking encyclopaedia, but one that’s a few editions out of date and missing a few crucial pages.
It’s like watching a chef who insists on making sushi, pizza, and tacos simultaneously. Sure, they’re all great, but maybe focus on getting the sushi right before you throw a pizza in the oven? These CEOs often leap from one decision to the next with the grace of a caffeinated squirrel, leaving bewildered employees in their wake, trying to piece together the strategy behind the latest “brilliant” idea.
In the real world, this habit can have some face-palm-worthy outcomes. Remember the tech CEO who ignored all the data and launched a product nobody wanted? It was like throwing a pool party in December – sure, you’ve got the pool, but everyone’s busy building snowmen.
This type of CEO reminds us of those old cartoon scenes where the character runs off a cliff but doesn’t fall until they look down. They’re so busy charging ahead they don’t even realise there’s no ground beneath them. Meanwhile, the employees are back on solid land, binoculars in hand, wondering when the inevitable plunge will happen.
Invest in a good pair of metaphorical running shoes if your boss is a Know-It-All. You’ll need them to keep up with their mental marathons. Just remember, sometimes it’s okay to stop for a water break and, you know, check if the rest of the team is still with you.
Habit #4: ‘My Way or the Highway’ Approach

Welcome to the land of Habit #4, where the CEO’s motto is, “It’s my way or the highway!” This is like that one chef in the kitchen who insists every dish must have its secret ingredient – even if it’s a chocolate cake. “But trust me, a pinch of garlic makes everything better!” Sure, Chef, if you say so.
Picture a CEO who loves yes-men and yes-women almost as much as they love the sound of their voice. It’s like they’re conducting an orchestra, but instead of music, it’s just them saying “yes” in different tones. Disagree with them? Well, you better be ready to pack your bags and join the ‘Ex-Employee’ band.
They run the company like it’s a game of Simon Says. “Simon says, implement this strategy. Simon says, jump on this trend.” But the moment you dare to suggest, “What if Simon tried listening for a change?” you’re out of the game.
This plays out like a classic sitcom scene in the corporate world. Remember the CEO who decided to rebrand the company without consulting anyone? It was like deciding to paint the house neon green without asking the family. Sure, it makes a statement, but the neighbours (and shareholders) might have strong opinions.
This type of CEO is like a captain who insists on steering the ship while ignoring the crew’s reports of an iceberg dead ahead. “Full speed ahead!” they cry while the crew exchanges nervous glances and updates their resumes just in case.
And it’s not just about ignoring advice; it’s about fearing dissent. They treat opposing viewpoints like a vampire treats garlic – nope, not getting anywhere near that. It’s a world where “because I said so” trumps data, research, and, sometimes, common sense.
So, if your CEO is a fan of the ‘My Way or the Highway’ leadership style, maybe keep a scooter handy. Because sometimes, the highway isn’t the worst option, especially if it leads to a place where your ideas are heard, and garlic isn’t the secret ingredient in every dish.
Habit #5: The Spotlight Hog

Now we come to Habit #5, the territory of the CEO who is a bigger fan of the spotlight than a moth is of a flame. This CEO loves the limelight so much that they might as well come with their spotlight operator. “A little more to the left, Jerry; I want my best side shining during the earnings call.”
Think of that one actor who auditions for every role in the play. King Lear? Check. Tree #3? Also, check. They’re not just the star of the show; they ARE the show. Similarly, these CEOs aren’t just running the company but putting on a Broadway production where they play every lead role.
They treat every press release, public appearance, and company announcement like their Oscar acceptance speech. “I’d like to thank the Board, my second-grade teacher, and the barista who makes my morning coffee.” It’s less about the content of the announcement and more about how dramatically they can deliver it.
In the corporate world, we’ve seen this play out spectacularly. Remember the CEO who spent more time on talk shows than in the boardroom? They were more concerned about their TV ratings than the company’s stock ratings. It’s like a pilot more focused on waving to the people on the ground than flying the plane.
This type of CEO is like a friend who always must be the centre of attention at parties. They’ll jump into the pool fully clothed or start an impromptu karaoke session, all while the guests want to chill and have a good time. In the business world, this means making decisions based on what will get them on the cover of Forbes rather than what’s best for the company.
And when things go south, who’s there to face the music? Not our Spotlight Hog CEO. They’re already busy planning their next big publicity stunt, leaving the employees to clean up the mess. It’s like throwing a wild party at your parent’s house and then conveniently vanishing when it’s time to clean up.
So, if your CEO seems to be auditioning for their reality TV show rather than running a company, maybe it’s time to remind them that sometimes the best leaders are the ones who don’t always need to be front and centre. After all, even the best actors eventually need to step off the stage and let others shine.
Habit #6: The ‘It’s Just a Flesh Wound’ Outlook

When you think it can’t get worse, there comes Habit #6, where we meet the CEOs who treat major obstacles like minor hiccups. They’re like the person at a BBQ who insists on grilling despite the torrential rain. “A little water never hurt anyone, right?” Meanwhile, everyone’s huddled under the gazebo, munching on soggy chips.
Imagine a CEO who sees a giant iceberg ahead and says, “Nah, it’s just a bit of ice, full steam ahead!” They’re like the captain of the Titanic, blissfully playing the violin while the ship is taking on water. “What, that old thing? Just a scratch.”
In the real world, we’ve seen this attitude in CEOs who dive headfirst into risky ventures without considering the depth of the water. It’s like deciding to jump off a cliff because the view looks nice, ignoring the fact that there are no waters below, just a bunch of pointy rocks.
They’re like those contestants on cooking shows who decide to whip up a five-course meal with 10 minutes left on the clock. The judges say, “Maybe just focus on getting one dish right?” But no, our CEO is determined. The result? A kitchen that looks like a disaster zone and a meal that’s… well, let’s say it’s ‘creatively deconstructed.’
This type of CEO waves away warnings like they’re swatting a fly. “Economic downturn? It’s just a phase. New competition? They can’t touch us!” Meanwhile, the rest of the team is like the orchestra on the Titanic, playing calming music while scanning for lifeboats.
And when reality finally does hit, it’s like someone turned on the lights at a party at 3 AM. Suddenly, everything looks much less rosy, and the CEO is standing there, wondering why everyone isn’t dancing anymore.
So, if your CEO is the kind who treats major obstacles like they’re just stepping stones, maybe it’s time to invest in a good pair of reality-checking glasses. Because sometimes, what looks like a small puddle from afar is a five-foot-deep pothole, and it’s better to acknowledge it before the whole car tumbles.
Habit #7: The ‘Back in My Day’ Reflex

If you survived the previous seven habits, you’re a hero! Welcome to Habit #7, the final stop on our tour of spectacularly unsuccessful habits. Here, we find CEOs who cling to their glory days like a high school quarterback reliving that one championship game. They stroll down memory lane so often they’ve practically built a house there.
Have you ever encountered a CEO like your uncle who boasts about his high school football trophies? “Back in my day, we did things differently,” he says, as if it’s still 1985. Similarly, these CEOs are stuck in a time warp, convinced that what worked in the ‘90s will work in the 2020s. They’re like someone trying to fix a modern computer with a hammer and a screwdriver – sure, those tools were great once upon a time, but maybe not for today’s problems.
In the business world, this habit manifests in CEOs who insist on using outdated strategies, like printing flyers for a digital marketing campaign. It’s like trying to use a pager to send a tweet. “What do you mean customers aren’t flocking to our fax machine with orders?”
They tend to see every new trend or technology as a fad. “Social media? That’ll never catch on!” It’s akin to that one person who still insists on using a flip phone and wonders why no one texts them anymore.
And when the world changes, as it inevitably does, these CEOs are like stubborn sailors refusing to adjust their sails. “Why change direction? The winds always come back before!” Meanwhile, the rest of the crew is bracing for the storm, eyeing the lifeboats, and considering a mutiny.
It’s like watching someone trying to ride a horse on the freeway. Sure, there was a time when horses were the way to travel, but times have changed, and now you’re just causing a traffic jam and confusing the horse.
So, if you’re working under a CEO who thinks the best way to move forward is to keep looking backwards, maybe it’s time to gently remind them that the rearview mirror is smaller than the windshield for a reason. The future is big and full of possibilities, while the past is just a speck in the mirror, no matter how glorious. Let’s keep our eyes on the road ahead, shall we? Who knows, the following championship game might be around the corner.
Navigating the Corporate Jungle: Spotting & Dodging
Spotting and avoiding spectacularly unsuccessful people, especially in a professional setting, can be crucial for your career growth and mental well-being. Here’s a light-hearted yet practical guide to identifying these characters and steering clear of their tumultuous wake:
- The Flashy Promise-Maker: Watch out for those who are all talk and no action. If someone consistently promises the moon but delivers a handful of moon dust, it’s a red flag. They’re like magicians who distract you with grand gestures but never actually perform the trick.
- The Time-Traveller: These are the folks stuck in their “glory days.” Be cautious if you encounter someone constantly referring to how things were done in the Dark Ages. They might struggle to adapt to new ideas, like trying to use a floppy disk in a world of cloud computing.
- The “My Way” Highway Driver: Some believe their way is the only way. It might be time to find the nearest exit ramp if you’re talking to someone, and it feels like a monologue rather than a dialogue.
- The Drama King/Queen: Drama in the workplace can often be traced back to a single source. Keep a healthy distance if someone thrives on chaos like a reality TV star. Remember, you want to be part of a team, not a soap opera.
- The Ego Balloon: These individuals have inflated egos that might float away. If someone’s self-importance overshadows their actual contributions, it’s wise to steer clear before you get caught in their storm of self-adulation.
- The Teflon Don: Nothing is ever their fault. Like a non-stick pan, nothing sticks to them – it’s always someone else’s fault. Accountability is vital to any successful venture, so beware of those who never take responsibility.
- The Negativity Nelly: They see the glass as half empty, cracked, and probably poisoned. Constant negativity can be draining and demotivating, so keeping your distance from these professional pessimists is best.
Avoiding the Spectacularly Unsuccessful:
- Choose Your Circle Wisely: Surround yourself with positive, forward-thinking individuals.
- Set Boundaries: Don’t be afraid to distance yourself professionally from those exhibiting these traits.
- Focus on Your Growth: Invest your energy in your development and relationships that help you grow.
- Seek Constructive Environments: Aim to work in environments that value innovation, accountability, and positivity.
- Don’t Be Afraid to Say No: If you feel someone is leading you down an unproductive path, it’s okay to decline involvement.
Remember, while you can’t always choose who you work with, you can decide how you interact with them and how much you let their behaviour affect you. Keep your wits about you, your goals in sight, and maybe a pair of metaphorical running shoes handy when you need to make a swift exit!
The Spectacular Wrap-Up
And there you have it, folks – the grand tour of the Seven Habits of Spectacularly Unsuccessful People. It’s been quite the safari, spotting the rare and exotic breeds of CEOs in their natural habitats of confusion and chaos. But remember, like watching a nature documentary, it’s best to observe and learn, not imitate.
Now that you know what not to do, go out there and be the shining star in your corporate galaxy. Or at least, aim to avoid becoming a case study in next year’s “How Not to Lead” bestseller. The goal here is simple: be spectacular – in success, not failure. Leave the spectacular failures to Hollywood; they do it with more style and better special effects.
We invite you to share your tales from the corporate jungle. Have you encountered these habits in the wild? Can you spot which habit is the alpha in your workplace? Go ahead, share your stories – anonymously, of course. We wouldn’t want to turn this into an episode of “CEO’s Gone Wild.”
And for those brave souls who have witnessed these habits up close or, dare we say, practised them (no judgment here, we’re all friends), there’s hope—introducing the life-changing, habit-breaking, success-making THNK Coaching gift card! It’s like giving someone a map out of the jungle of unsuccessfulness. Think of it as the perfect nudge for that colleague who’s been circling the drain of these habits. A THNK Coaching session could be the difference between them becoming the next big success story or the subject of a whispered cautionary tale during coffee breaks.
So, let’s raise a toast to learning from mistakes – preferably other people’s mistakes. Share, laugh, and maybe sneak in a THNK Coaching gift card under someone’s door. After all, every spectacular failure is just a success story waiting to happen, with a bit of coaching and a lot of not doing the things we just discussed. Cheers to your spectacular success!